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Dr Bredesen and Apollo Health

Dr Dale Bredesen and his colleagues at Apollo Health are dedicated to science-based prevention and and recovery for brain health. Click here for more about Apollo Health and Dr Bredesen’s ground-breaking research.

Certified Bredesen Practitioner

Brainstorming Wellness’s Catherine Curtis is a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach with additional certification as a Bredesen Protocol ReCODE Practitioner and referred by Apollo Health.

The End of Alzheimer’s

In 2017 Dr Bredesen published The End of Alzheimer’s and brought hope to millions. The book recaps his more than 30 years of clinical research that helps answer a puzzle pharmaceutical companies have spent billions of dollars trying to solve: why a single pill (the proverbial “silver bullet”) cannot be developed to treat Alzheimer’s disease. Spoiler alert! We are each unique, and there are many different reasons a person may develop brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s. It’s not a one-size-fits-all problem so a one-size-fits all solution doesn’t make sense.

Dr Bredesen calls the unique causes of Alzheimer’s the “36 holes in the roof.” And just as you can’t keep the house dry by patching just one or two holes in a leaky roof, it’s important to find — and address — as many of the factors that may be contributing to memory and cognitive abilities as possible. The “36 holes” roll up to a handful of root causes, rangeing from inflammation, insulin resistance, and missing nutrients, to exposure to toxins, genetics, and traumatic brain injury. The key is to find which specific issues are the root cause for you or a loved one and address as many as possible.

Getting StarteD

At Brainstorming Wellness we work with each client to identify a personalized wellness journey that fits for them. This includes a comprehensive in-take process where we get to know each other and identify goals. Then, either through your own doctor or through a referral we can make, an additional set of speciality labs will be ordered so a personalized ReCODE (or PreCODE) report can be generated that further focuses in on the specific areas we will work on together.

The Bredesen Protocol is based on the functional medicine model that looks at us as whole people, so the coaching work we provide includes a holistic approach including:

  • Nutrition & Supplements

  • Detoxification

  • Sleep & Relaxation

  • Exercise & Movement

  • Stress Management

  • Social interactions & Relationships